Articles & Essays
It all begins with an idea. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story can make all the difference.
Photo Credit Anna Carson DeWitt
Book Review for Teens: The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton by Kristin O’Keefe and Charlie O’Keefe, Your Teen Magazine
Think you’d be inspired by a Calder mobile? Then this writing salon is for you, by Kristin O’Keefe, Washington Post Magazine
Is Your Child a Reluctant Reader/Writer? Take Them to a Show, by Kristin O’Keefe, The Washington Post
The Rise and Fall and Rise of a Middle School–a Tragicomedy in Three Acts, by Kristin O’Keefe, McSweeney’s
How to Get Published: 7 Tips from a Year of Magical Writing, by Kristin O’Keefe, Mom2.0Summit
A Year After the Parkland Shooting, This is What Parents Really Want for Valentine’s Day, by Kristin O’Keefe, The Washington Post
Exercising Mussel Memories, by Kristin O’Keefe, Barrelhouse
The Lasting Impact of One Last Thing, by Kristin O’Keefe, The Manifest-Station
Thoughts on Lisa by Kristin O’Keefe, Bethesda Magazine (March/April 2009)
Dangers of College: An ER Doctor on Real College Readiness, by Kristin O’Keefe, Your Teen Magazine
Good Habits, Good Life: How to Start Good Habits With Your Teens, by Kristin O’Keefe, Your Teen Magazine
Can Breakfast Boost Your Teen’s Body Image?, by Kristin O’Keefe, Your Teen Magazine
How Practicing Kindness Can Enhance Your Teen’s Well-Being, by Kristin O’Keefe, Your Teen Magazine
The Nation’s Largest Survey of Youth Risk Behaviors, by Kristin O’Keefe, Your Teen Magazine
Why Read Aloud Day Matters: In a World of Screens and Busyness, We Find the Time for Magic, by Kristin O’Keefe, The Washington Post
When Letting Children Take Risks is Risky for Parents, by Kristin O’Keefe, New York Times
The Community College/Real College Divide, by Kristin O’Keefe, New York Times
Why this Troop Leader Quit the Girl Scouts, by Kristin O’Keefe, New York Times
Your Child Has Lice? Spread the Word, by Kristin O’Keefe, New York Times
First Job: Top 10 Takeaways for Your Teen, by Kristin O’Keefe, Grown and Flown
The Best Advice I Received as a New Mom, by Kristin O’Keefe, The Washington Post
Do you try the University of Google when there’s no time to get to the doctor? Maybe don’t, by Kristin O’Keefe, The Washington Post
First It Was Trophies, Now It’s Driver’s Licenses, by Kristin O’Keefe, The Washington Post
Lines from 1959’s Some Like It Hot or Things said at a 2018 Ernst & Young Training for Female Execs? by Kristin O’Keefe, The Belladonnas
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Just Turned 50 and She Would Like to Update Her Status, by Kristin O’Keefe, Little Old Lady Comedy
The Case of the Iron-Fisted Lactation Consultant and Other Nancy Drew Titles for New Parents, by Kristin O’Keefe, Little Old Lady Comedy
Jesse Offers Rick Springfield Belated Birthday Greetings and Some Grievances, by Kristin O’Keefe, Little Old Lady Comedy
5 Reasons I Trashed the RH Teen Catalog, by Kristin O’Keefe, Scary Mommy
10 Ways Life’s Changed Since 1985 (or Has It?) by Kristin O’Keefe, Scary Mommy
Dispatch: The Moral Perils of a Snake in the Toilet, by Kristin O’Keefe, The Washington Post
Dear Tooth Fairy: Ever Hear of a ‘Recession’?, by Kristin O’Keefe, The Washington Post
That Dreaded Catalogue, by Kristin O’Keefe, Mom Ready