An Ode to Parents Who Cave

We’ve all been there. Oh sure, we pretend to be rule-setters. We look the pediatrician straight in the eye and swear to no more than an hour of screen time a day.

We lie.

We truly want to do the right thing. It’s just, sometimes,  the children are bored. And we’re tired. Or they get us at a moment of weakness. Or this one: the kiddos insist their stats are absolutely correct. “Yes, mom, I swear: EVERYONE has [insert device of choice: I-touch/I-phone/X-Box/Playstation].”

The result? We cave.

I wrote about just such a scenario on one of my favorite humor sites, In the Powder Room. I’m giving you the link right here: If You Give a Tween A Smart Phone.

I hope you’ll read it and remember, if you happen to resemble this article–you are not alone. Because we all cave, sometimes. The big question: who caved first? ‘Cause you can always blame them for your moment of weakness. Or just admit it was going to happen anyway.

p.s. And yes, the title and structure were inspired by popular children’s book If You Give a Pig a Pancake. As we all know, when you read those books hundreds of times–out loud–they stay with you. Which is lovely.


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