Lice and Gratitude – Seriously
Some light lice reading
Well, first I wrote about a snake in the toilet. And now, it’s lice in the scalp. Speaking from experience, you’d rather have the snake. Anyway, there’s one positive to having multiple bouts of lice. You kind of become an expert, and then you get to write about it in The New York Times!
But first, some gratitude. No, not for the lice. I will always be a hater when it comes to lice.
I know, you don’t normally dedicate a blog post, and you really don’t dedicate one on lice. But I am, and here’s why.
This one’s for my husband’s Aunt Erin, who faithfully read my blog posts and emailed me comments and suggestions. After I wrote about a lazy summer, she told me to post a link to that piece on the Motherlode blog of The New York Times. I listened to smart Aunt Erin, and ended up emailing with the editor. And after multiple emails and multiple drafts, I get to be in The New York Times, because the editor liked the lice piece. But first, because Aunt Erin told me I belonged there.
For any of us who feel fragile–in our work, our art, our parenting, our relationships — having someone believe in you, well, that’s what keeps us going. I’m so grateful for Aunt Erin, who died suddenly this week. I will miss her emails. They were short and sweet doses of encouragement and suggestions that propelled me forward. I just wish I’d expressed my appreciation more fully. Because unlike lice, gratitude is one thing we should share over and over.
So to all the good people who encourage me in my writing, thank you. It’s a gift beyond measure.
Here’s the link to the New York Times lice story. If you like it, please share or comment. And if you don’t, tell me why. Just like Aunt Erin would have. Thank you Erin.