Girl Scouts Good, Their Forms – Not So Much

Forgive me for over-posting this week, but wanted to share my recent New York Times piece.

This one’s about the Girl Scouts, and my theory on why they’ve lost nearly a million members in the last decade. I’ve kvetched and regaled people with my complaints about scouting for years (hint: It’s not the parents or girls. It’s the organization’s crazy forms). One day I finally sat down and wrote my story and sent it to the Motherlode editor at The New York Times. She sent an email Thursday saying she’s running my piece Friday and needs my edits pronto, and all of a sudden I feel like a real freelance writer. With a deadline and everything. So based on this I’m going to pretend an agent requires my novel by December 31. Please help hold me to that.

Anyway, here’s my piece: “Why This Troop Leader Quit the Girl Scouts.” Enjoy! Feel free to throw up a comment or share the piece via Facebook or Twitter. Most of all, thank you for reading. Means a lot.

Girl Scouts of the USA cookie packagess

Girl Scouts of the USA


Running Wild in the Burbs


Note to Tooth Fairy: Chill