A Sure-Fire Way to Get the Kiddos Reading AND Writing


A Sure-Fire Way to I’ve always been an avid reader. As for writing, books like Harriet the Spyinspired me to take detailed notes on my world. But not all kids love to pick up a novel or a pen. There’s one special approach that’s led to success in our household. Sometimes, it comes with an element of raucous rock concert fun. Other times, it’s more like a fabulous small club discovery. Curious? Read my full piece in this week’s Washington Post: “Is Your Child a Reluctant Reader/Writer? Take Them to a Show.” And if you like it, please comment on the Post site. The more comments, the more likely I am to get invited back.

(Bonus: The boy got his picture in the paper! Hey, any incentive to get the kids to read my work.)Get the Kiddos Reading AND Writing


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