Dreadfully Busy: The Backstory

Dear Readers,

So a wise friend recently asked: “Do you have a website?” Why yes, I do have a Dreadfully Busy website, which is a minor miracle in itself. It turns out you can teach an English major (class of ’90) new tricks–as long as she has a technical support person on call.  And get this–not only does the website exist, it has an About page that explains the very essence of “Dreadfully Busy.” I’ve also got web pages on my novel (draft #4 just finished!), articles, and links to some great thought pieces on the culture of busy from talented local writers Brigid Schulte and Aviva Goldfarb.

So if you are not dreadfully busy for ten minutes this weekend, please: go to the website, read the “About” page, check out the other pages, and let me know what you think. Candid comments welcome and appreciated. While I’m excited about my progress in the last year, there’s always room for improvement. Just use words English majors can understand, like luddite. (FYI, we struggle with “search engine optimization.”)

Cheers and thank you!



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