As History Unfolds, Writers… Write.

My cousin Josh told me to read David Foster Wallace’s 2005 commencement speech at Kenyon College. It’s a good one, about avoiding complacency and uniformity of thought/experiences. Sound advice here, even when we’re, ahem, a few years out of college.

In the spirit of that speech, this seems like a good week to hear from a variety of writers, on topics as varied as #LoveWins (so hopeful) and #WhoIsBurningBlackChurches? (Horrific.)

In the Jesuit Post (brought to my attention by Father James Martin), Jesuit scholastic Jason Wells lovingly writes about his grandmother Nana and her partner of fifty years, Dot.

Frank Bruni’s piece details what it felt like to be gay at twelve, at twenty, at forty-five. And what it feels like since the Supreme Court ruled that marriage equality is a matter of “equal dignity in the eyes of the law.”

Over at, Stacia L. Brown shares an appreciation of the black church, a place “where our dignity as a people is inviolate.”

The Washington Post reports on Why Racists Target Black Churches.

On a light note, McSweeney’s has a hilarious piece by Daniela Lapidous. It’s the SCOTUS Marriage Decision, in Haiku.

Finally, how about the Women’s World Cup?! It’s exciting to see the world pay so much attention to women’s sports. Go #USA! Of course, the path to a championship is a long one, starting with youth sports. Those in the trenches know it’s not for the faint of heart.  My humor piece, The Soccerplex Address, is up over at This one’s for the parents.


An American Girl Doll, Bed Bugs & the Internet


Honoring the Charleston Families on Father’s Day–and Beyond