Guest Post: An Artist’s Rendering of Dreadfully Busy
So excited to share a guest art post today from writer/illustrator Darlene Campbell, who blogs at How’d we connect? We’re both in an online writer’s group that logs in at 7:30 am every Thursday morning from Australia, Texas, Arkansas, Maryland and Ohio. (Now you see why so early–we’re balancing central time, eastern time, and Australia time! The support is worth an early meeting, believe me.)
Darlene is our resident writer/illustrator and her work never fails to make me smile; it is good-natured and whimsical and often hilarious. Because as “dreadfully busy” as we all are (see: crazed 26 page soccer manager manual), our sanity depends on finding the humor in the every day. So thanks to Darlene for her interpretations of “Dreadfully Busy”–and check out her blog for more fun work. As for me, I’m clearing out the chatter in my head (and ignoring the clutter in my house) and writing. Onward, dreadfully busy people!
Chatter in the Head by Darlene Campbell