It’s Summer – Don’t Forget
Don’t forget to bury your children. Remember, you have the upper hand in negotiating the release.
In the midst of all our busyness–and by that I mean vacation planning, and packing, and unpacking, and driving the children here, there, and everywhere, and signing up for all the fall stuff, and nagging people to sign up for all the fall stuff–in the midst of all of it, don’t forget.
Don’t forget to bury your children. Remember, you have the upper hand in negotiating the release.
Don’t forget to search out bodies of water–a lake, a pond, the creek, the ocean. They slow you down. In a good way.
Don’t forget to get your hair wet. (Pools, rain, wherever. It’ll dry. Eventually. I swear)
Don’t forget to watch a baseball game with your kid.
Don’t forget to read a story out loud. (We were stuck in traffic, eastern shore, no radio, deep sighs. Then, Counting by 7’s. Saved by a book, again. Thank you books.)
Don’t forget to call a friend for a glass of wine, a walk, a chat.
Don’t forget to sit with your partner on a porch, a deck, a patio, the front stoop. Just hang out. Agree to not discuss logistics.
Don’t forget to hit your state fair; pick crabs, eat deep-fried anything, catch the drippy bits of your kids’ ice cream cone. Heck, make it your own cone.
Don’t forget to lie on the grass and look at the stars.
Don’t forget to watch an outdoor concert. There’s a melding of music and sky and grass that feels so very alive.
Because. There will always be laundry. And college plans and soccer and the grocery list.
But this summer day, with these people, and this time? It’s only once.
Take it.